Recent News: Native Valve Endocarditis: A Case Report of Classical Skin Signs and Review of Literature


Infective endocarditis, though an infective lesion of the heart, can lead to systemic complications. Embolisation and subsequent stroke can be a major manifestation apart from other vascular phenomena. Mortality in infective endocarditis depends on various factors including the type of organism and the extent and type of valvular involvement.

Case presentation: We report a case of a young male with native valve infective endocarditis, brought to attention by the systemic complications namely ischemic stroke and other vascular phenomena. The valve pathology leads to sepsis and subsequent mortality.

Conclusion: Native valve infective endocarditis should be approached as a multisystem based disease, as its morbidity and mortality are as a result of the systemic complications apart from cardiovascular pathology per sec.

Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapy is a peer-reviewed, Open access scientific journal with an aim to provide rapid and reliable source of information on current discoveries and current developments in the field of cardiovascular focuses on following topics Atherosclerosis, Heart Attack, Ischemic Stroke, Cardiac ischemia, Plaque Attacks, Heart failure, Arrhythmia, Bradycardia, Tachycardia, etc.

Our esteemed journal is looking forward for the upcoming issue (Volume3: Issue1) for the upcoming year as all the authors are invited to submit their recent scientific work through manuscripts in the mode of Research/Case Reports/Case Studies/Reviews/Short Review/ Short Communications/Commentaries/Short Commentaries/Letters to Editor/ Image articles etc.

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Samuel G,
Editorial Manager,
Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapy